My thoughts on the environment, what I think is wrong with it, and how I think we can bring about change. There are some assignments for school on here, while others are purely interest.

Monday, July 9, 2007

A Few Updates...

I totally recognize that I've done almost nothing on this blog for ages, and I'm super depressed about that, but I'll see what I can do to make that change. So since I don't have very much time to talk, I'm going to make a few comments really quickly.

1. I finally decided what I want to do with my life. I'm taking another year of high school, then I'm looking at applying to the Environmental Studies program at York University in Toronto, Ontario. After that, I'm thinking about taking a year of Broadcast Journalism at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, just so that I have a broad range of knowledge and experience. Has anyone taken either of these programs? I'm not entirely positive that I'm going to make it into the programs, but I think that if I can step it up again this year then I'll do better.

2. Live Earth was AWESOME. I just caught bits and pieces of it because I had some other stuff to do on Saturday, but I'm amazed at how well everything came together in the end. However, there was so much negativity toward it that I really don't know how much good it did. Even if nothing happens, how many times have we had live music from all seven continents at the same time, on the same TV channel? (MuchMusic broadcasted in 7-part picture-in-picture for a while)

3. I found this cute little email about "Why Global Warming Isn't So Bad". It's totally ridiculous but it makes a good point about what could happen to us.

The Ten Best Things About Global Warming:

10) Why pay for tattoos when melanoma's free?
9) No more pesky weeds. In fact, no more pesky plants.
8) Nile Encephalitis: not just for Egyptians anymore.
7) Furnaces convert easily into tornado shelters.
6) Helsinki: the new Riviera.
5) Middle East oil producers feel right at home— everywhere.
4) Golfers only need a putter and a sand wedge.
3) For those who can't get enough of global warming. One word: Venus.
2) Steaks, medium rare, on the hoof.
1) Three thongs and you're dressed!

4. This site gives 50 ways to stop global warming.

That's it for now, but I will for sure be back at a later date to keep you updated!