My thoughts on the environment, what I think is wrong with it, and how I think we can bring about change. There are some assignments for school on here, while others are purely interest.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Post #5: A Couple Thoughts

*I recently reposted this, after realizing that this later became an assigned blog.*

Here are couple of ways to reduce your emissions:
(With some help from and
1- Walk or bike when you can, rather than drive.
2- If you must drive, carpool
3- Don't take the scenic route when you drive. Get there, get back.
4- Don't leave your vehicle idling for more than 10 seconds. It's better to restart your car rather than leave it running if you will be gone longer than 10 seconds.
5- In the winter, avoid using your autostart remote control, as that encourages idling for lengthy amounts of time (I'm guilty of this one, I'll admit it). Instead, try using a block heater for an hour or two.
6- Be gentle with the gas and brake: gassing quickly or braking suddenly use 39% more fuel and release 5 times the CO2.
7- Remember that 60 km/h is the most fuel-efficient driving speed. Driving at 100 or 120 uses 20% more gas.
8- In the city, open a window rather than run the AC.
9- Keep your vehicle tuned up, and the wheels at the proper pressure.
10- Use your cruise control.
11- Remove heavy objects from your vehicle when they are not needed.
12- If you have a garage, use it! Your hockey sticks don't need shelter from rain and snow, and keeping your vehicle in the garage will save idling and cleaning time.
13- Turn off the TV and lights when you leave a room.
14- Unplug anything you're not using (this can also reduce your hydro bill) since most items that run on electricity absorb it even when they're turned off.
15- Use both sides of your paper.
16- Recycle!!! Paper, cans, bottles (plastic or glass), tin foil.
17- Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth or are getting into the shower.
18- Use sponges or cloths to clean up, rather than paper towels or disposable napkins.
19- Don't leave the fridge open.
20- Clean up garbage, etc.
21- Use rechargeable batteries -- they cost more to buy, but save more money in the long run!
22- Remind your friends and family to do the same!

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