My thoughts on the environment, what I think is wrong with it, and how I think we can bring about change. There are some assignments for school on here, while others are purely interest.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Global Warming: Part One

Hello, all!

Since my post yesterday, I have been thinking a lot about Global Warming. I realized that I don't really know that much about it, so I decided to do some research. Maybe somebody online could help me, as I hope to help others with this blog. I know that this blog is intended for class projects, but I will be posting my own information on here when I deem it appropriate, which will probably be quite often.

I was digging around YouTube, looking for a video clip of United States President George W. Bush addressing Global Warming, but found nothing. However, I did find several videos made by other people that got the point across better than Dubya ever could... Remember to stay objective! These are just other people's opinions, and I recommend that you form your own!

The first video ( if you really want to watch) talks about Prime Minister Blair's attempt to get the United States involved in helping raise awareness and create change. Blair had three things that he wanted the States to do:

1) Cut emission standards;
2) Dedicate more money to develop clean air technologies;
3) Agree that yes, Virginia, global warming is a serious threat.

The United States's "Chief Climate Negotiator" agreed to one of these three: Number 2, which means that the American government won't even admit that there's a problem.

Here is another interesting video I found about Global Warming and the United States's claim that Global Warming Doesn't Exist. It's from "Countdown with Kevin Olberman", and definitely worth a watch.

That's all for now. I will for sure be back later with Part Two as soon as I'm able!

Stay tuned,



Hey Lauren, I just can't believe that the Bush administration would try to make it appear that Global Warming is not an issue. It kind of reminds me of a kid sitting in the corner with his eyes covered saying, "I can't see you, therefoure you arne't there!" It is really silly because all of the other countries around the world have accepted what has happened, and are now working toward make a solution. This I think will harm the overall opinion of Americans in the long run in the Globle community because of what the Bush administration has done.

Keep up all the good research.


Lauren said...

The global community can't have a negative opinion about America because, without America, there is no global community.

Now I know that I insist (daily or so) that George Bush is a moron and that I'd only trust the U.S. as far as I could throw it, but I'm not completely ignorant. I know that the U.S. is probably the center of the universe. Trade, the economy, international relations -- they all revolve around the United States of America.

Actually, if you looked at that first URL link to a video (I decided not to put the entire video on my page) you'll notice that the woman in the video uses a similar allegory:

"It's like I'm standing on your foot and you're saying, "get off my foot!" and I'm going, "What, are you crazy? I'm not on your foot. But here's some money for foot surgery."

So while I think that the U.S. is definitely in a bad place, who are we to tell? We're just their Eskimo neighbours to the south (Rick Mercer's "Talking To Americans") and we don't know anything, anyway.

Lauren said...

P.S. With regards to the 'kid in the corner' allegory: you haven't played Hide and Seek with "my" kids before, have you? That's exactly how it works for them. But being naive is part of being a child. As an adult, being naive is a good way to get yourself killed. As a world leader, being naive is a good way to get tons of people killed (and to run your country straight into the ground) and lose a lot of respect.