My thoughts on the environment, what I think is wrong with it, and how I think we can bring about change. There are some assignments for school on here, while others are purely interest.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Today's Hot Topic: Everything

Okay, this post is going to be:
1) Shorter than my last one. Thank you, thank you -- I can hear you applauding all the way over here;
2) About random things that caught my interest today; and
3) Sarcastic and satirical, as usual.

Lambton-Kent-Middlesex County says, "Hello, Eco-Friendly Bandwagon!"

I picked up the mail today, and, among the usual flyers and bills, found this staring at me. Well -- that image is the title on the cover of a brochure advertising the new ideas of our riding's current (Conservative) MP, Bev Shipley. The brochure itself is actually decent: it outlines several ways to improve efficiency, mentions the new ecoENERGY Efficiency Initiative

Save the Environment! Oh... and buy a Lexus

The London Free Press today devoted half of page A5 and all but one column of Letters to the Editor on page A8 entirely to Global Warming today. Sandwiched between the two, on A7, is a three-quarter-page, colour Lexus ad. I know that journalism is supposed to be without bias, and that Lexus paid a pretty penny to get that ad, but readers are getting a mixed message from this. At least move your ad to another page?

Hats off to the LFPress today, though: I found three sources of amusement within its pages:

1. PM to announce $200M Afghan aid

Harper woke up the other day, rolled out of bed, opened a newspaper, and, looking at an article on the war in Afghanistan realized, "Oh crap! Canada promised to hand over $1B over the course of ten years to rebuild Afghanistan, but they haven't seen a cent!" Then, in a mad rush, ran around 24 Sussex Drive, wondering, "Where's my chequebook! Don't tell me I forgot it in Jean Charest's pocket again!" But all has been solved, and now $200M will be sent to Afghanistan. I'm actually happy about this, despite the fact that I'm sick of Canada cleaning up (literally, here!) after the United States. And I'm sure that Harper's happy too, seeing as he just bought the Afghan vote in the upcoming election.

2. Blogs not gospel, experts caution

I just had to laugh when I saw this. You mean to tell me that not everything I read is true? I sincerely hope that if you're reading a blog, you don't immediately assume that everything in it is true. Some try to stick to the truth, but I doubt that a lonely 12-year-old girl home alone on a Saturday night is going to cite her references when she posts "OmGz BrItNeY sPeArZ sHaVeD hEr HeAd!!!!!!!111111111111" onto her Livejournal. I try my best to keep my facts straight, hyperlinking everything so that you know I'm not just making all of this up. I encourage you to check my sources -- these are good sites (or at least amusing ones), and feel free to let me know if I'm wrong. I would just like to thank the London Free Press for pointing out the obvious and making my day.

3. This gem.

That's all for today, folks!

Stay tuned,


P.S. Part two of the five-part Climate Change series in the London Free Press today is called "Buying Your Way Out" and is a look at carbon credits. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's "How Much are Canadians Willing to pay to Go Green?". Betting tables are now open: I'm at $35.

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